Several short sentences about writing
by Verlyn Klinkenborg
A few weeks ago, I wanted to read something different from my recent fictional and biographical fare. The book was to be read on an airplane so I also wanted to travel light. I found this book at the library and loved its simplicity. The cover is simple, clean and clear. I choose well.
I started to read and was amazed at the SHORT SENTENCES. Short, powerful sentences. These sentences offer a depth of writing skill and understanding that others would have required pages or chapters to generate.
Klinkenborg is one of those influential people with whom I was unfamiliar. He has great credentials as a member of the New York Times Editorial Board and teacher. He has spent years writing boiling down the essence of a thought to a simple sentence. He had the insight to write:
"Everything in this book is meant to be tested all over again, by you. You decide what works for you. This is perhaps the most important thing I have to say....Part of the struggle in learning to write is learning to ignore what isn't useful to you and pay attention to what is. If that means arguing with me as you read this book, so be it." Klinkenborg, Prologue.
That said, I felt no need to argue. This book's poetical style uplifted and inspired me with every turn of the page. I could feel how I write and how I could improve it simply by following Klinkenborg's words. I read the book over two weeks ago, and I am ready to enjoy the experience again.
If you are a writer and also on my Christmas list, I'm sorry you won't have any surprises when you open your gift this holiday. Yes, it's that good.
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